
You have to read a lot, you will find a wonderful word.


If you're happy, you will spread your happiness around you.


The world needs you to be nice and great person.


What thing you have know is the best thing for you, be grateful of it.

Never stop traveling

Go to some where with your friends that makes you more relax.

Achieve your dreams!

Make people proud of you.

Achieve your dreams!

Make people proud of you.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A value from finisihing my study

Halloo everyone,
How’s life?

I hope you always fine and happy wherever you stay.
Yappps, today I want to share you my story when I graduated from my college. It’s such a happy time. But, I had to manage my emotion, tried to not feel too happy when I get something great and not feel too sad when a thing has not run well. I had to remember everything is temporary. Is it right? Yes, you have to say right. Ok.  J

Guys,, I was happy i have finished my study. However, there is a long process to finish it. I have to through 8 semesters and face the barriers or distractions during my study. You have to know that i got the SKL (surat keterangan kelulusan or the legal letter that I finished my study) when I in 9 semester. Consequently, I should pay the tuition in 9 semesters.  It’s oke. My parent always supports me, but I felt so disappointed with myself. I forgot about it and kept going.

Thank God, I have through this amazing journey. I cannot imagine what a greater Allah is. He helps me, every step of my life, I can’t believe 4 years finished. I could face every single problem, I could adapt to the new atmosphere, I could understand well with the thing I don’t know before.  Oh Allah, you are so kind, you are my shine, and my greater. Alhamdulillah for everything.

Well, I just tell you that before I choose  English major, I don’t have enough knowledge or experience in studying English major. I just love English, and I am willing to learn. Firstly, when the class was started, I felt nervous, doubted, and frightened. I was afraid to say anything when my lecturer asked me, I cannot say anything in English, just “YES and NO.” No no no, I am kidding. I just confused how to speak English. I was silenced, and silenced. Just felt like shock culture (Entering English class). I am from the suburban and most of my friend from the urban of Indonesia.  That is why I realized my friend more skillfull than me.

Every day, I tried to adapt the new atmosphere, tried to find some motivations, did not afraid to ask anything when I confused, knowing my self deep, knowing people around me, whether in the class or outside class related with English . Guess what? Time to time, it proved that I started to comfort with my class, so I enjoyed the class, got new encouragement, got new friends, a new perspective of life. Those were things that make me feel alive, and  I didn’t want to give up in English.

Secondly, in the first semester, my score was very bad. It was because I had no ways to apply the effective study. my lecturer asked me, and I said honestly. Then, I start to trace the effective ways to improve my English. Through the youtube channels, reading a book, watching the film or news, visiting a certain website, talking to people, and so on. I did all those ways. It was because I like English and I am willing to learn, I never to stop finding ways to improve my English.

Sometimes I felt so stress it was because I compared my English with my friends who good in English. However, I realized soon that I am different with my friends, I had to struggle more than they did. I have to love my self more than others love to, love myself means do not compare with others. Just the way I am. I have to force myself being work hard and stay focus on my progress, not others progress. That’s my power to keep going on.

I firmly believe that when I give big effort and dua on my goals, as soon as possible I will get the greater result of my sacrifice. I believe God doesn’t sleep, so He always watches mee, keeps accompany me in this process. That is why I do not feel alone when I am struggling alone. There is Allah beside me, and always. I believe Allah will give me a way how to solve my problem, especially in my academic problem when I never give up to find the solution and facing it gently. I trust my self and always trust.

Briefly story, at the end of my semester I aware that my English improve and I had finished the examination. I  got the degree S.PD, and yay, alhamdulillah Allah always give us the right time. In this years, I finished my study. I enjoyed my whole study process. I love the process, and you have to guys.

Guys, don’t ever underestimate yourself in something that you never study yet. You have to struggle harder than your friend, you have to willing to learn, read, watch, even listen to everything or everyone who supports you and helps you grow the next level. Don’t worry about the future when you today is struggling for something you want. Don’t worry about people judgment when you settled down. You must keep going on. Positive mind.

Do not forget to involve Allah in everything you struggle on. Just believe, Allah hears you, and watch your effort. Be kind to everyone, do not compare yourself. It because we are different. We have something special on ourselves. I believe it and you have to. Love your progress, and stay humble.  If I can through this process, I believe you too.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Cerita nih, nerbitkan buku pertama

Assalamu’alaikum warohamatullah gaess...
I hope you always fine and happy wherever you stay right now. Aamiin
Bagaimana nih pengalaman hidup tahun 2019 kalian sampai bulan ini? Apa ada yang menantang? Yang seru? Atau bikin kesel? Ehehe, boleh lah dishare ke kolom komentar aku. Ehehe feel free to write anything on my blog ya. Ini platform untuk tempat kita sharing n berdiskusi, tapi entahlah, ada yang baca apa enggak, gue harap suatu hari nanti ada yang berkenan baca n termotivasi oleh tulisan-tulisan guee, ceile gue. Udah stop basa-basinya ya. The next topic that i want to share is tarrrrraaaaa... yap, seperti yang ada ditulisanku sebelumnya, aku will share how i can publish my first book. Proses awalnya aku bikin buku itu bagaimana, InsyaAllah akan aku ceritakan dibawah. Stay on page yaaa.
Well, sekedar sharing yaa, bukan niat untuk menyombongkan diri, tapi untuk mencintai menulis memang juga butuh proses, kita mau nggak berproses, dan semua orang itu sebenarnya bisa menulis, tinggal mau nggaknya menulis. Kalau mau ya maka pasti ada tulisan-tulisan yang dihasilkan. Untuk itu, jika kalian mengunjungi blogku ini ingin tahu caranya bisa nulis, ndak usah pusing-pusing bagaimana menulis yang baik dulu, tapi mencobalah menulis mulai sekarang. Mulailah sering membaca-baca, ya sudah kita ketahui kan, semakin banyak kita membaca semakin jago kita menulis. InsyaAllah seperti itu.
Menurut pengalaman menulisku, sejak dibangku SMP, aku diamanahi guruku  menjadi bagian dari pengurus majalah sekolah, nah disitu, tulisan-tulisan siswa siswi sebelum ke redaksi aku saring dulu denga guruku, mulai dari kelas satu sampai kelas tiga mereka bebas mengirim tulisannya, berupa artikel, tips-trik, puisi, pantun, cerpen, dan lain-lain ke majalah sekolah. Begitupun dengan aku, aku juga selalu ikut ambil andil untuk mengisi majalah sekolah.
Mulai dari itu, aku mulai menyukai menulis, mulai membiasakan untuk mau menulis. Sehingga, selama SMP alhamdulillah ada karya-karyaku yang dibuat di majalah sekolah. Tidak sampai disitu, masuk SMA aku mulai mengenal blogspot dari temanku, akhirnya membuatlah akun blog untuk pertama kalinya, dan disitu aku mulai menulis cerita-cerita yang random tentang kehidupanku. Tidak hanya diblog, aku menulis catatan pribadiku juga dibuku specialku. Hehehe.
Lalu, masihh tahaaan baca? Haruslah...... #maksaamat
Ya begitu, sejak masuk dunia perkuliahan aku simpan tulisan-tulisanku di laptop, dan tahun kemaren alhamdulillah Allah izinkan aku menerbitkan buku. Dan itu prosesnya luar biasa lama ya, kok bisa lama Nin? Ya karena aku nulisnya enggak keburu-buru, nulisnya santai badai. Tapi juga ada target, tidak terburu-buru selesai. Sekitar 7 bulanan baru bisa terbit. Ehehehe
Trus bagaimana prosesnya tulisanmu bisa sampai ke penerbit?
Gaiss, sekarang ituu mudah banget lhooo cari penerbit, apalagi kalau kalian tinggal di perkotaan, banyak jasa yang menawarkan penerbitan buku. Jadi kalian tidak usah bingung-bingung cari penerbit, langsung search aja di google penerbit buku yang ada didaerahmu yang sesuai dengan kebutuhanmu. Ya memang ada penerbit yang sudah kondang, dan ada juga penerbit yang namanya baru ada dua tahun atau satu tahun. Tapi ya, kalau menurut aku, kalau niat kita ingin menebarkan kebaikan lewat tulisan kita, kenapa harus ribet-ribet cari penerbit yang banyak aturannya, iya memang ada penerbit-penerbit yang kondang dan memang bagus banget hasilnya dan biayanya juga enggak kalah bagus, ehehe. But kembali lagi ya, untuk penulis awal seperti aku, hehehe, coba jangan tunda-tunda niat baik kamu untuk menerbitkan buku, jadi jangan banyak ditunda-tunda untuk memilih penerbit ya. Jika kalian sudah srek and click  sama satu penerbit ya menurutmu sesuai kebutuhan yaa langsung aja action, kirim saja naskahnya. OKEEEE!!
Oiya perlu kalian ketahui yaa, di buku pertamaku ini, aku dibantu temen-temenku untuk jadi satu tim, ada yang jadi editor, ada yang bantu buat cover n pamplet-pamplet gitu. Jadi, I’m not alone finishing this book. Pesanku untuk kalian yaa, kalau merasa butuh bantuan orang lain untuk mewujudkan impianmu, carilah bantuan, kita memang enggak bisa membangun impian kita sendiri. Pasti ada campur tangan orang-orang yang akan membantu kita. carilah orang-orang itu, minta sama Allah, pasti akan dikirim orang-orang baik ke kalian.
Percaya enggak percaya, teman-teman yang aku jadikan tim dalam buku pertama ini memang enggak aku sangka-sangka sebelumnya, mereka tiba-tiba hadir dalam hidupku dan mau membantu untuk bangun mimpiku. Those are people that Allah send to me. Thanks God. Pun dengan kalian, ketika kalian punya mimpi jangan dipendam sendiri, harus di bicarakan dengan teman-temanmu, nanti pasti ada dari mereka yang benar-benar ingin membantu. Jangan kwatir yaa.. Allah will always give you the way to catch your dream while you believe in Him.
Ayo teman-teman, mari menulis sekarang, bisa jadi tulisanmu itu bisa membuka hati banyak orang, ataupun satu orang, yang mana bisa merubah hidupnya, cara pandangnya, kita tidak pernah tahu tentang itu, maka menulis sajalah. Soal di terima nggak, dibaca enggak, oleh pembaca ndak usah dipikirkan. Biarkan Allah yang mengatur segalanya, tugas kita adalah menulis kebaikan.
I think that’s all enough gaesss, segitu duluuuuu yaaaaa. Love youuu...... walaupun aku nggak pernah tahu siapa aja yang baca blog ini, aku ucapkan makasih banyaak ya sudah mau membaca yaa, i hope you get positive energy from here, Aamiin J
Babyeeeeeeeee...... see you in the next topic.