Monday, August 19, 2013

My Happily :-*

18 Agustus 2013
 Hello guys, long time I don’t open my blog...
 miss so much.. are you missing my post??
Ooh are you sure? You are missed?
 Hee dear, this year I fell better than last year,
Are you want to telling about my story?
But, I just wanna tell you several all my story 
 it’s never mind. Isn’t it?
Ooh dear ...thanks, it’s never mind...
okey I will start my story..

 At July... In Pare_

In there dear,
 I get many experience,
 from my new friends, from I stay in there,
 from my teacher in there, and All thing about Pare,
yeah, It isn’t my first to visit Pare, but two times I going to Pare,
 The first visited I still in Junior high school,
  and the second times at senior high school,
 Really different between at junior and senior dear,
  yeah.. at the past, I don’t feel like this moon.
 What to be done! It’s my life , I like if I have a different thing,
 so many colour can fill my life 
 I have new friends from there,
 they are from many town in Java and also Indonesia, like Jayapura, Sulawesi, and from Java at Pekalongan, Malang, Mojokerto, Kediri, Banten, Jakarta, Sidoarjo, Madura, Semarang, and many other,
 In My second time at Pare I choose course in “Fajar Course”
but the first visited at Pare I choose course in “Mahesa Institute”,
Although in my second visited in Pare I am alone to go there but my afraided can killing by my braveness..
 Hore ...
That you know that my first at Pare I go there with my sister class at Junior high school,
exacly miss BiLa, Eri, Vika, miss you so much sister  Now they have been in University,
Good Luck ya, May next year also I will continue in University I want.. Amin ya Rabb..

 two weeks I live at Fajar,
 in there The teacher teach me about the first to started english like pronounciation, Writting, Speaking, Vocab and also Debat.
 In the morning about at 05.35 it’s time to memorize about 20 vocab to supply our english to well for two weeks it continoue,, yeas, I feel happy in there, And Amazing that there dear.
.  my friends and I visited GUMUL and POOL PARADISE,

In Fajar, I always together with “HOLIDAY 3” there is nice friends dear, in holiday 3,
but, after one weeks to be done, in My camp there is a new comer exacly miss Nova and Miss Nelfi,
they are make Pare at home to me, so, I am so happy cause they are friendly with me although they have done in University, they assume that I as their sister, thanks sister for your giving attention...hehehhehe..
 oh wait a moment,
 I gotta go dear to my family’s home in Ledok Kulon, Bojonegoro
, because I never go there since I stay in Bojonegoro,
So sorry ...:-) I will take a bath first, cause my aunt have done waiting me for a few minutes.. okey bye...
This day after yesterday I was wrote,
and now continue my writing,
 I got a vision, to make a difference, this a song by JB,
 this day is Monday, and two days ago is a “Freedom day” Indonesia Country,
 this is my country dear, and two days ago exacly on 17th August 2013 I have been vinished to ceremony at my School SMAN 2 Bojonegoro,
I am certain that I am not confuse with my choosing..
 yeah.. God Willing  You haven’t knowing about it dear, hehehe..
It’s time it’s faster, now I have done to twelve class in Senoir High school,
So I must change my habit be better again than yesterday dear, because this situation have a decide to my destiny who I hear that from everyone.. it’s right?? How about you dear? Ooh, this time it’s over, So I must prepare to go school dear, cause this at 5.59, Good Morning for my beloved secret
 Bismilahirohmanirokim...................
 You know that I try to make my life be useful by this time,
 and I hope I get a nice score, Amin ya Rabb..
My eyes feel that it must to take a rest for a one minute maybe, cause it’s tired eyes ya Allah, May Allah always give me a health ..Amin

 What ever wiil be will be this a new vocab, hahahaha,
come on, Improve, Improve, LOL, (-..-) Ya Rabb, forgive me for my mistake who Always on myself,
 Ya Allah, always protected my parents...
 Thanks for your given All thing to me and my family.
 Ooh yaah,, after I go back to my village from Pare,
 I went to Malang for accompany my cousin to continue her study exacly in UNISMA malang,
 you know that she was from Teminabuan, Papua Barat,
So far aha’... it’s sentence to remember me about that vocab
“What So Funny Aha’”... hehehehe..
 I have a nice news dear, that my beloved friend , her name is Anisa,
She received in PASKAB, what a nice news and happily her got,
Congratulation dear... I wish you Good Luck! So ,
 of course her parents was proud with her cause about it, but my with parents,
, Stay at there who always wish me luck,
 but I haven’t to search what things to make me satisfy,
that right that all people never satisfy about everything,
but I must always Grateful to Allah SWT, makasih ya Allah, and don’t forget to say Alhamdulilah for all..

In August_ “Hari Raya”

I don’t know dear, that Ramadhan Month I feel different rather than Ramadhan last year and before that,
 Because something? Heheehe,
I ussually said to someone for outpour what thing in my heart,
but everyone doesn’t aware about it, and I often smiling alone about that, hohoho,,,funny..
 but, there is something dear,
No no no, adult.. like my motorcycle locked and my helm picture, so Cutes
 Theeeeeess.... it’s time to gather with my friends from junior high school... t
hanks friends for your attention to me, girls and boy => you are the number one for me, May we get a succesness together friends, Amin..
heeiyooooo .....:-) ini di SMPku dear,,, tepatnya dipanggung terbuka,,, eeh yang lain pada
udah pulang, terutama yang cwek... uuyuh..
This one of my english teacher for SMP dear , 
her name is Mom Jumiati and right me is Puji. 
this place at Mom Jum House..
this is also in my school dear, SMP one Kedungadem..
 Nice picture I said,,
owjring, They are all my friends, dear.. 
before we went to school we gather in Widya's House ,:-D
this picture when we visited at Pak Tris's House, 
with his child we take a photo with him, 
So cute dear..:-P
Bu Jum's House,
we keep Togetherness
Oyee,, this last picture who I upload, ..and the other....hehe


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