¯¯Ku tak akan bisaaa,, menjauh darimu sepanjang
(=☆_☆=) (=☆_☆=) (=☆_☆=) (=☆_☆=) (=☆_☆=) (=☆_☆=)
Akhir-akhir ini pengen nyanyi lagu
yang dibawakan oleh NIDJI ini, daridahulu memang aku suka, sampai-sampai
sekarang muncul lagi diotak ku, hingga temenku itu tuch aku mintai tolong
download ini lagu,, waah padahal juga ada mungkin dilaptopku, tapi males ajha
nyari, yaa enakkan langsung dapat saat sesuatu itu ingin aku dapatkan,,,eeen
akhirnya selalu aku puter dihandset aku saat mau tidur, haahhahaha, geje ya
aku...memang enak kok ini lagu musiknya, bikin aku berekspresi..hahaha
Ini bagaimana pemirsa kabar anda?àà
Duspundi kabare? Dalem ini nggeh Alhamdulillah seger
kewarasan, wkwkwkwkwk
Mau posting tentang harian ku ini, waah,, apa yaa..
Tadi pagi udah bisa change my backgroud SMS.
it’s better than yesterday, because I bored with the picture.
you know who is the picture?
Hahahaha, my picture baby, everyday when I
looking my phone exacly in layer SMS.
always look my picture, and I think, so long so bored.
I try to change the picture with the new
snapshot, yeye..hahaha.. Again, I use My picture for the backgroud,
really it’s so cute dear.. ckckckckck.
. Say no
more, it’s make me thinking,
If I
had storehouse of knowlegde, I would become winner in the class.
its no easy to get more knowledge and more more,
I must study everyday without lazy, I want
delete the lazy in myself, so no more my activity not be useful, its way how
appreciate the TIME, dont LAZY..
Dear, I will written english language every
posting my mind for improve my language, I don’t now about now what happen in
my life.
Realize the problem, I would had that, like a
don’t know about it but I know dear*all say like that and I say different about
this, but the reality doesn’t different, say that all talking
bla...bla..bla...it’s me no everyone_ DONT STAND IN MY WAY!!
Want to the place dear,, when I come there?
My word early empty, where I get more word again? With who is? I want back
there without a sadness, because at the past I still a girl who has a spoil.
Now, of course dear, Different! Insyaallah more brave than pass.
They always give a new proud, I ENVY with
them because why I can’t like them. Ooh my God.. give me a something which can
make my parent and family proud with me. Someday, I believe THAT Allah will be
what happen..hahahaha.. I laught alone without people around me, CRAZY...
What!! My weaknees??? No, I think so, but always save in my mind in my heart,
So, no one know about it.... Don’t become people be arrougant,
that you life in world not alone, we are a zoonpoliticon, so all people need a
help from a other people.
More, add be my bla...bla..bla..
alhamdulilah if I get it, “life is easy
when I can do it!” but “life is off if I doesn’t make exciting live”
4.27 am
All rigtht, at that time I choose.
Dear, when My heart is blooming, which
like my friends. Oooh, No this time maybe, So.. I will waiting until come
Just now, my sleeping very calm
because I am very tired, you know my activity? Sure, you don’t no dear...
I think enought, See you dear next moment..:D
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