Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Banyak pengalaman, Banyak hal baru...

31 oktober 2015


Begitu banyak kejadian yang sudah aku alami saat ini, dalam dunia kampus, dunia pertemanan, dunia kapung halaman, dunia baru yang mungkin aku belum pernah merasakannya sebelumnya. Salah satunya mungkin dibulan ini. Ya oktober is great month that gives me many experiences. Boleh jadi ini salah satu cara Allah menyampaikan rasa sayangnya kepadaku, dengan hal-hal yang dihadirkan dalam kehidupan aku, secara tidak langsung mengajarkan aku betapa penting sebuah waktu, rasa bersyukur dan kesehatan itu.

First of all, one of the experiences that I have for this month is my Event in my hometown, my friends and I had planned to celebrate the day of One Muharrom. Yah, I was very enthusiastic for accomplishing this event, not only me, but also my member of IPC group. We were seriously to make this event being successful. I appreciate their spirit and power to get relief fund from all people in my village and I had to involve this activity as well. You know that was not easy to collect money from each people in my village, because there is an area of my village that is separate away from my main part of my village, the name of this place is Malangbong, so my friends and I had to through the forest to arrive there. This barrier did not make us surrender to get fund. The spirit always becomes ours. We went there and we got a lot of money from each people. This journey gave me important experience. The people live in Malangbong can get thing that they need; they have to through the forest with a difficult road-route. I cannot describe this real condition. It was hard to through the road. I was glad to visit there.

Then, in October, I was being busy girl, because of this event. I had to come and back from Surabaya-Bojonegoro. It’s never mind. I believe that this moment make me thought “What an important time in life.” Yap I did it. I can manage my time becomes useful time. There is no time being waste in my life. I have to manage my time whether time for my task from college and event in hometown. Because of this event is bigger event that I made with my friends. We had to prepare it with perfectly. Honestly, I rather felt tired. But I had to against myself to be down. I just put word in my mind “I can do it!”. In fact, I can. It is the power of mindset and positive mindset. Surely, it moment makes me more mature girl. Thanks God.
 Another experience that I have is when I was sick. Ooh man... I don’t want to get sick anymore. it made me suffer. Because I could not handle myself to be healthy, maybe my antibody got down and I could resist it.  Although, it just got influenza but for me it was hard to go on in my life, because the influenza was not common, I could not explain what the influenza is that I got. It happened during two week. In future, I will treat myself more fit and healthy. Yap I have to do this way. This experience made me thought that healthy is important to be kept.

That’s all my experiences that I have. It can make my self growing in this world by facing new moment in my life. Actually, I have a lot experiences in this month, however, I can not share in this media, hehehe. I just keep in mind, wkwkwk. Oke thank for reading my experiences, I hope you can get advantages from my site. Thanks a lot. Don’t forget left your comment yah.. yuhuu. Byee..


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